Keith FC Millennium Champions

Millennium Champs! - That’s richt

We were top o’ the pile

Goals galore and wins by the hat-fae

The Title wiz won bi’ some style

Dek Nicol wiz nettin’ at ae eynd

Thainer wiz keepin’ them oot at the other

Tho’ winnin ‘ the League wizna’ that simple

There wiz een or twa spots o’ bother

Three pints in the season’s opener

Against the team that cam’ doon fae Nairn

Young Dod Simmers nabbed the first goal

It wiz lik’ takkin’ candy fae a bairn!

Mind you – a 7-1 gubbin’ at ‘Broch

Wiz oh – sic a bitter pill

Bit the Maroons were driven on

Led by Captain Marvel – Darren Still

Super Stillie nabbed aichteen that season

Six ahin Nicol, the master goal ace

Wi’ young Robbo pilin’ in wi’ his Ten

It proved ivir sae handy in the Title Race

An impressive 21 league wins

It wiz made a’ the mair sweet

Doubles against the likes o’ Buckie, ‘Vale an’ Peterheid

They were amang the teams we loved tae beat

The goals cam’ faist an’ furious

Wi’ Mugsy, McRitchie an’ King Kenny – a’ hittin’ the back o’ the net

Lossie, Elgin an’ Wick were a’ pit tae the sword

As the Title lookit a fairly safe bet

A stingier defence ye cwidna’ get

14 Clean Sheets bein’ the order o’ the day

Gibby, Shaggy, an’ Kenny McKenzie, wi’ young Dod

Rearguard marshals – fit mair kin ye say

Zico, Gary an’ Scotty Taylor – a michty trio o’ stars

Wi’ Paul Presslie an’ young Peter Stewart in the middle o’ the park

Scored an’ laid on their share o’ goals

A’ playin’ for the Mighty Maroon sark

Nine straicht wins hid the fans cheerin’

As the Flag race began tae bile

1500 appeared v ‘Broch for win Number Ten

As a 3-2 victory kept the Maroons tap o’ the pile

Wiz there a sting in the tail on the final day?

As Kynoch Park sa’ Brora win 4-3

Ah – bit late result – ‘Broch only drew

Sendin’ Keith on a great champagne spree

Wi’ Martin, Lenny an’ Colin at the helm

Title Number Six wiz in the bag

The marvellous Maroons powered on an’ on

As their title rivals a’ began tae sag

So – Noo – the Story is telt

Fitiver will be will be

Keith FC – Millennium Champions

They’ll go doon in Club History!!

Charlie Simpson

January 2020

Julie Brown